
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Watch out! or

What to communicate:
Revised: 25.06.20

Is it true, kind, and necessary?

What is true a speaker discerns to be so using the most accurate, if not the best, way of saying it. What is true is the speaker's own, even though that truth is not the Truth--and s/he knows it.

Kind or not is the speaker's intention measured by the recipient.

The speaker intends that the addressed know what is in, or on, the speaker's mind. With such earnestness, the intent is kind in being "helpful" and specifically addressed to the other(s).

How this truth is packaged and transferred may be kind or not depending upon how well the speaker anticipates the recipient's receptivity to that selected for communication.* It may also be kind in terms of whatever the recipient brings to the act of understanding message and intent.

Some niche of care on the speaker's part motivates communication to someone, and likewise on the recipient's part to hear, that is to comprehend (anything) from that speaker.**

However, there is no necessity to communicate anything to anyone except to shout, "Watch out!"*** Or perhaps, "MYOB."****

* Ref. George Herbert Mead.
** Ref. Martin Heidigger.
*** Ref. LLL  philosophical precept first articulated by a Little oL' Lady, forgot her name, and later documented by the Live and Let Live school of omni-acceptance.
**** Mind Your Own Business  (and I'll mind mine). Ref. George Carlin, among many others, but still not many enough.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Muse had her muse*

"The door was locked, the key buried in the earth."
As she turned the key over and over in her hands--

it was to the closed garden,
she could see inside,
it was different from other places,
she liked it;

she would shut the door behind her,
make up some play of her own,
play it quite alone,
could go there every day;

it had been shut up so long,
she wanted to see it,
nobody would ever know where she was,
the thought of all that pleased her very much.

(Not a child to ask permission or consult.)
* Inspired by _The Secret Garden_, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Capter VIII, The Robin Who Showed the Way