
Monday, July 9, 2012

Jihadists of any stripe

And now for today's rant.

Before my daughter's death, I was more naive than I am now, and much, much more trusting and idealistic and optimistic. Maybe it took her death and the years since, including some hard times, disappointments and financial losses all in the CZ, to bring me to this: There is no hope left. The world is going to hell, and it will get there. It is already moving toward the center from the four corners.

People agreeing on what they saw or sensed given the same situation, place, words spoken, etc., is for nothing. They will not agree. You can come up with a climate change platform or jointly approved press release, but that is just some words to appease some people who are interested only in seeing if what you say agrees with their own take. There is no Truth of what happened.

And not perceptions alone. There are perspectives. These may be even more important. How I see, through the sets of lenses that I have that you don't, and they don't, s/he doesn't, etc.--perspectives will damn or drag us all to hell, no questions asked. And most of the time we will not even realize there were questions about these perspectives and the vague phenomena, maya, that push us from the back into the present and future of our own demise, hells of our own making.

I would like to say that an inter-perspectival view and reasoned conclusions should reign in matters of human relations, science, politics, etc., but not in this age, not in these times of blindness and partial seeing, not because of the dominance of ego and emotions. These times of arrogance and claiming to hold the higher ground. Silly jihadists of any stripe.

I'm a venture capitalist

[This in response to yet another news article and analyses about greed-heads in business and banking.]

Risking hue and cry, I offer this: I would like to share in the profits of what the bank makes using my money. Instead of a pittance (interest on the use of my money, like a loan I am giving the bank--and what a great rate of interest they are getting to "borrow" my money!), I want that plus a share in "their" profits. That is, I want return of my money and a fair return on my money--since it is my money they are "risking" and investing. Why do they invest for themselves alone? They should be investing for me. I am the venture capitalist when I open a savings account or purchase a CD. No?

Next, participation in the decisions about what my bank invests in. Transparency with a capital T here we come!