
Sunday, October 28, 2012

This to an opera singer/pundit

This to an opera singer/pundit

One perennial--We seek truth, beauty, and goodness.

You have dealt with truth. Although I am not so quick to dismiss this as a useful term, we can proceed with "infinite study [inquiry]" as sufficient surrogate.

You have dealt with goodness, stupidity being the synonym for evil, therefore intelligence as the proper measure of ethical behavior.

Now we come to beauty. You have made a life of making noise of the operatic kind. I wonder. Is this (pre)occupation something we can associate with your search for beauty? Or are we left with watching girls, eye-candy as all we can hope for in this earthy life?

Your comments welcome.

Italian scientists guilty of manslaughter in not predicting as scientists doing hard, physical science must, and politics USA . . . these and other mundane matters have become ho-hum to those house-bound in rain-soaked Umbria.