
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Misc. anti-ad copy for an Etsy shop

GEMS we know, small valuable things that deserve a special place in our homes and hearts. Open up and let it in. JETSAM we find somehow, somewhere, and we discover upon careful examination that it needs to be dragged home because of its quality of growing dear, especially so after a second thought. Surely it will earn a special place in our collections, in our hearts. Got to have it. JUNK? Proverbially a treasure for someone . . . who is special, always.

Solo Jupiter Matchbook

Solo Matches and Flames ( dates its products from 1839. However, this book of matches ain't that old. Probably produced in the 50s or early 60s of the last century, commemorating a town in the western part of Bohemia, and with just a pair of wooden matches missing, this is a modest addition to your collection.

Or use the remaining matches to light your own quiet revolution. Why it is said, this book of matches was taken from Brno in Moravia to Wenceslas Square in Prague at the time of the Velvet Revolution. As all assembled held up and rattled their keys in daylight (and believe me, the Czechs love their locks and keys), by nightfall the populace, thankful for the overthrow of communism, lit matches and held them up in vigil to a time well rid of. Two old matches should do the trick. One to chase out the old and useless, one to usher in the uncertain but decidedly better new.

Mikov Czech Utility Knife--Svata's boyhood tool
In 1794, Ignaz Rösler set up the first cutlery factory in Mikulášovice, now part of the Czech Republic. There were a hundred employees; however, the number doubled by 1819. The success of the first factory motivated others to set up other factories and businesses. Soon, most of Mikulášovice and surrounding villages were working to make these products. Mikulášovice became known as the "Czech Solingen". During World War II, Mikulášovice was part of the Third Reich. And you know what that meant. It was not until 1946 that traditional production resumed (see And by the time Svata left Czechoslovakia in the mid-'60s for Austria/Hungary and eventually South Africa, he had to leave behind his Mikov knife, which he had used for all manner of boyhood projects, including cutting his beloved Lovecká saláma (Czech salami). Here's a knife up to the task of cutting your salami, Czech or otherwise.

Steel cutting edge with plastic handle, overall length 21 cm.

Pozor (be careful)!! It is sharp.

French linen lingerie bag
Nadesh from Marseille contributes this old . . . no, not "old". Vintage French linen lingerie bag with beautiful hand embroidery, part of a French maiden's trousseau.

Not French? or a maiden? No matter. Delicate and sexy--like the dainties tucked within, meant to catch the eye briefly before the big bang. Opps. Misspoken. We are still in the Victorian era on some planets. Demure and pure, and all that stuff.

Regardless. Go ahead. Spice up that atmosphere for that special night, or noon, or morning, or afternoon, or . . . you get the idea.

A clever modern maid can eliminate the small stains on the reverse. Thus the deep discount.

AT Brevetti "finger slicer"
From the makers of the famous Italian espresso machines comes this simple slicer. It appears to be designed for accepting small items such as cloves of garlic, limes, fingers . . . who knows what?

From sturdy metal with wood plunger, a true dust collector for that kitchen artifacts display area in home or restaurant. Who else could want it? Someone looking for that truly white elephant, an almost priceless gift that keeps on giving and assuredly will be re-given. (Deep discount for the one who comes up with the best alternative idea for use.)

Oh, guaranteed this item has not (yet) been presented for appraisal at any "Antiques Road Show". Your golden opportunity.

DDR vintage white ceramic pitcher
. . . with stylized, painted blue clover accent, available nowhere else that we can imagine, except in some time-capsulized flat in, say, Leipsig, cordoned-off and still sealed by the not-forgotten Stasi, anachronisms both now after The Wall. Yours to look at and think what it must have been like to witness those days that the younger generation can now only know through history books, or their great grandfather's or grandmother's letters in German. Well, this would only apply to a very few, of course. The net of it, a unique decorative item, or you can use it. A treasure in my house for years, but irrelevant here in Italy where communists still thrive, although they say of a different stripe.

Stamped handmade and dishwasher safe on the bottom. Curious addition?

Yes, made for right handers. Everyone is right handed, no?


Layered wooden dachshund decorative sculpture
Perched on a shelf or mounted inside or out, this dog is the silent type. No a barker BUT has all the best attributes of cute including soulful eyes. A dachshund like no other. This guy needs a new home. My Golden Retriever, Maco, is jealous of his honored place in our home, up high where he doesn't descend to play, or get chewed. "Useless," he says, and so we have decided to give the smaller one up for adoption. The semblance of the sausage dog without the long part, not the playful one that barks every time the doorbell rings. Made locally but only available from one small shop tourists never find, or from the eight plus two half-fingered woodworker himself.

Inquire if interested in other dogs or creatures like this. Similar price as this special pet not guaranteed, nor are shipping estimates.

Priapus, Caliban of Calabria, driftwood sculpture, curiosity

This artifact from the shores of Calabria on the Tyrrhenian Sea was wrested from its root and pebble-strewn lair and now represents, this writer imagines, the god of male procreation and gardens and vineyards as of old Roman myth. A unique piece of nature's sculpture, or art lover's fantasy (folly?) to decorate your den or other such private place. Not for Puritan peepers.

Alternatively, mount it upside down and the captured stone in wood becomes a wonder, a curiosity--how did it manage to find itself there in that sacred, seemingly impossible, protected space?

Contemplate but briefly, or the magic of Priapus will take you in down- or upside and float naughty thoughts about your head and lower reaches; these have been known to beget pleasures forbidden.

Not for the timid or unadventurous collector. Great as a gift for the one you love to befuddle.


A pirate in the Caribbean--no really--gave this to show his gratitude to a mate, Pinkie, after the latter saved him from walking the plank at the natives' insistence because of a black spot found on the palm of his hand. Said the pirate to Pinkie, "I think it was there all along, before you gave me that paper with the temporary tattoo which transferred to my other hand in this humid hell. What a sweaty place! How can these natives stand it? Thank God that second spot is gone. It made me look rather queer having matching spots each time I begged for food and favors. Boy, they sure went wild, didn't they, bowing and all that c$#@p. I feel delivered. I give my heart thanks, and this heart to you. Watch it doesn't rust in this climate."

I came by it when trading with cannibals on St. Givens. Now it can be yours.

Socialist era matches and box
Absolutely original and unique.Light a match and catch a scent of days gone by when everyone had a job and a place to live and free health care. Light a match each time you wish to return to those days. Or if you anticipate such days and see them on the horizon, save to light to celebrate the second coming, er, a new and better and enlightened age. (Not sorry about the pun.) Just draw your breath in and hold till that future moment when you will strike the match, slowly exhale and blow the flame out and drink in the best of all possible worlds. (A bunch of mixed metaphors here, eh?)

Item guaranteed. Better days ahead, not.

Florentine flowers on wood, miniature

Nothing much for not much, BUT can fill in a space needing a bit of color and complexity reminiscent of the more ornate and more expensive. Miniature on wood, rustic, 9 cm by 9 cm - 3.5 in by 3.5 in. Unfortunately, there is no story for this one, but I can make one up starting with Juliet's wedding dress, if you buy it, the miniature that is. I promise not to repeat what the Bard has already told you about this bit of fluff as in an ornate remnant of Renaissance tapestry. (Great play, however.)

Dinosaur's faux tooth
Well, not really. What's in a name? But an expert might tell you differently. Ask him or her, after you buy and inspect it closely yourself.

Hold it in your hand. Set it in view on the table, or nightstand. But don't confuse it in the morning when inserting your own faux tooth!

Tahoe Driftwood Bird, Nessie
The Sierra sun and the waters of Lake Tahoe fashioned this piece of driftwood, discovered on the Nevada shore in the early spring at Secret Harbor, 2007. Fate took her a few years later to the Bay Area , California, where a master jack-of-all-trades stained, waxed and buffed her for a perch atop a small brass rod mounted on the rock you see. For sale now sans rock, and shipping from Italy where she is not at home. (She doesn't like her rock! Picky, picky.) Proceeds go to the Rescue the Master fund, solely dedicated to helping the one who brought Nessie to life as a unique nature sculpture. The master is currently living penniless in a very expensive neighborhood, a housesitter with medical problems and bills not to be believed. Restore a bird to happiness and terra firma US, or Scotland; help save a soul from the nightmares of homelessness and medical bill hell.

Porcupine quills for quillwork, art projects, costumes, artifact replicas
TEN 5-10" quills retrieved from discontinued porcupines and surplus finds along game trails in the Umbrian hills. The camo colors of dark brown and cream do not hide very sharp ends, which can prick your nodes, or noodle, of creativity. Appreciate as is or incorporate into something exceptional of your making.

M/S FRANCA C The Costa Line, Coin Tray
Imagine the world's first first-class-only, year-round luxury cruise ship, and the steward returns to your table in the Club lounge with your change on this small but elegant tray. You tell him to keep the change but you keep the tray! Here it is recovered from the shipwreck of a life on board and off. Probably silver plated with patina from use and age, 12 by 12 cm - 4.7 in by 4.7 in. Grab it and deliver something small and special for that someone, who will embrace you and thank their lucky stars they have someone as thoughtful and imaginative as you. History of the M/S Franca C here at

Miniature, Italian Country Casale on gold leaf
Subtle, simple, yet striking and elegant miniature of a country casale, 8 cm by 8 cm - 3.1 in by 3.1 in. Wood frame, glass, recessed painting. A quick look makes you want to enter into that gold countryside and reside in the brilliant light of Italian sunshine. Be careful where you hang it. Can easily disappear with that familiar but covetous guest who just popped in and said not to bother, he would let himself out. Untitled as was your low-life visitor. A delightful masterpiece. Watch for it on eBay to recover if "lost.".

Communist era pocket knife with leather case
Svata left Czechoslovakia in the mid-'60s for Austria/Hungary and eventually South Africa. His secret departure in the night was revealed to his family by his nephew four days after the fact way back then. Forty plus years have passed, and last year Svata has too. I didn't have the opportunity last summer to return his knife personally to him, and now I guess he no longer needs this memory from a childhood and youth during communism, if he ever did. I met him once and was indeed impressed by this deeply private man. I am not even related, but soon his story and that of this pocket knife, longer than I can recount here, will die with me. Claim it, and I will tell more of what I know, including the redemptive story of his last years. Perhaps these things will touch your heart as they have mine. And made me a better, more thankful person.

Wood nymph's node, companion for a mystical journey

Discovered deep in the woods of the Riserva Naturale Monte Rufeno in 2012, an auspicious year, this unique, mystical node is a priceless treasure. Unfinished except for a light cleansing in a cold Umbrian stream, this delicate node will guide your interior journeys with the flame of a bees wax candle, or show you deep secrets with an uncut crystal retrieved from the nearest granite quarry. Place either in the hollow to be seen from a distance of one meter and situate in a sacred space inside your home, and your magical adventures will begin and cosmic insights will flow. Fireflies might even appear after an hour of staring at the crystal.

Great as a gift or as companion as you meditate or practice yoga. For those who wish to forgo any being or seeking, return the node to a secret place outdoors for discovery by the next curious or chosen one, or put a light coat of satin finish varnish on it and watch the node slowly consume itself in its own narcissistic regard.

Beware. Irreplaceable and combustible. Node candles long to mate with other materials, such as the wooden node itself, if left untended. So remain present with it, and as the flame flickers and sometimes leaps with energy, absorb.

About the size of a large man's two fists held next to each other. But fragile, like a sensitive heart.