
Sunday, November 1, 2015

3 X 51 symmetry

Youth dismisses obtuse others--uninformed at best; stupid are the worst. They don't understand and can't. We are special; we know it. Self-assured, cock-sure. But no one will have us and appreciate our depth of knowledge and self-evident insights. We are old souls if we had heard of such a thing.

Mid-age brings true know-how and smarts. We exercise our special talents with acts of excellence. We would spread our wings, venture  into unknown lands and occupations. But most often we do what we know and have become so proficient at. Dreams live still of making that difference, helping, or something more.

Old age brings the same in accumulation. We have all of youth, a career or two to reap the best from. Perhaps personal successes and love--to share for some new young venture or need, or just tell someone? There's no audience. We are no longer needed, if we ever were.

. . . I still would live to 153 just to see what happens.