
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Takela, how the street got its name

How did Takela Drive in the City of South Lake Tahoe, California, get its name?

Entering Takela Drive from Lake Tahoe Blvd.
The answer is in the 11.02.16 issue of the Lake Tahoe News. Thanks to them for publishing this important piece of information (er, trivia?).


If for some reason, you cannot access this curiosity, or bit of fluff, contact me and I'll forward a copy.


I admit there are probably people who remember the times I am talking about; however, I believe I am safe in asserting that the origin of the place name securely rests in the lives and memories of just three people. Now I believe there will be more.

I note with interest that the News has categorized my truth-telling as opinion. I would surely love to hear what other "opinions" there are that specifically address how the street got its name. But I suppose, people will believe what they want to believe, and they do, of course.

I have tried to ferret out records of my father's proposal to the planning commission. Perhaps there he had to explain the significance of the word Takela. As for whether or not the newly incorporated City of South Lake Tahoe got in on the action I can't say. I will leave that to those on the scene and who can get access to city records, microfilms at the local library, etc.

Not many street names that I suggested in the several subdivisions my father developed at (many say _in_) Tahoe remain under the same name. Or the streets have disappeared and subdivisions re-configured. Alas.

And finally an aside. I remember applying for a summer job with the local newspaper at the time. I wanted to be a writer and I wrote for my high school newspaper. I met two people at the newspaper office, and the guy in charge, once I told him my last name, went off on my father and that in no way would I have a summer job with his paper. The other guy witnessing the vehemence tried to calm the first guy down. Not entirely unconscious by then as a young person, I slinked off. No summer job that year, but yeah! more water skiing behind the boat christened, and that went by the name of, Takela.

This aside, a memory of something that happened a long time ago and was and is of no account really, led me to use the expression "damnable property developer" in the piece I contributed to the Lake Tahoe News.