
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Citizen reporting a change as instructed

[UPDATE. About a week after sending my missives to Warsaw, I got a call from a very polite and apologetic SS rep, who, over the phone, registered me as living where I do. He also promised he would forward my concerns (for their web sites) to those who could address them. Thanks again for your call and assistance. Sorry. Didn't catch your name as I walked down the street taking the dog for a mandatory walk. . . .]

[I sent this to the Federal Benefits Unit (Social Security) in Warsaw today. Is our government infrastructure suffering? I just wanted to inform them per requirements for an address change.]


RE: Change of address plus embassy/FBU contact issues


I have moved from

[address in Italy]

to the address below in the signature.

I am

Mactavish, John Kevin
Last four digits SS# = XXXX

Czech web link to you in Poland does not work.

Captcha for communicating with Rome Embassy does not work in two different browsers.

Polish form for change of address abroad useless. Suggest you review it and make changes accordingly. To wit, provide an easy way to change one's address.

Pdf of the Polish form ssa-21 does not allow filling in online and then printing. Suggest you change that also.

Have never been able to enter my Social Security account from abroad.

If you need someone who can maintain and upgrade these web/citizen/consumer issues, I would be happy to apply for such a position.

Didn't our president say something about getting us back to work? I'm ready.


J. K. Mactavish

[address in the Czech Republic]

UPDATE, a few seconds later . . . my reply.

I have received an automatic reply to the email I just sent--below. I was instructed further,
For information on SSA issues please visit our website at
Unhappily, that link led to this.

This site can’t be reached
The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Now, really, can you fix these matters?


[email just sent copied below here]