
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Lecture me, lecture you

There's not nothing you can do. Awake and proceed to fight this cancer.

[The initial group who received this email to my congressman, copies to CA senators, passed it on. I got an ego boost, but I should have been clearer.

Write your own reps in government and express the same if you agree, or craft your own rhetoric around what you care about.

If you don't agree with what I have written, then you in fact support and enable the insanity, authoritarianism, anti-anyone-different smell of things mindset; and as the mind sets, there is little chance of changing it. Obviously, my message is not for you, neither to write your Congress-men/-women nor to annoy us further.]

OK. I've had it. Can't not open my trap. I agree with Daniel Dennet. I regret every minute I have to attend to politics. Am I over the edge?


Fellow Citizen Tom,

I read your remarks of February 7, 2017 entitled, "What True Democracy Looks Like." Your concluding sentences especially caught my attention.

You have addressed yourself to the sincere citizens who have been caught up with a disruptive element, that is with the uncivil-like behavior of leftist-leaning "protesters." You have labeled and addressed a minority, which is fine. It's a minority, if it exists. You have also addressed that block of citizens that have voiced directions of the sort our president campaigned on. This is also a minority.

There are civil citizens who did not direct the changes you claim have been voiced over the last four elections, and they are not leftest or anything else. They are a majority of citizens, regardless of stripe or method of expression. The evidence for this is that they have not endorsed at a minimum the following:

+ ignorance, incompetence, deception, and lying;
+ dismissal of fact and observable evidence to the contrary;
+ suppression of free speech;
+ unconstitutional resolutions based in demonstrable religious bias;
+ contractual and other conflicts of interest and bias (this goes for the president and his appointees);
+ intervention in the investment and management affairs of selected businesses;
+ use of his own assets and the bully pulpit to advance personal and family business;
+ attacks on individuals and institutions and foreign leaders including their competence and integrity;
+ imposition of a win-lose, me-first, my-agenda or the highway norm (in contrast to the constitutional consultation norm you yourself have advocated in your speech).

You get the idea. The current chaos plus the past eight years of lackluster Senate/House performance belie your assertion that "Once in our history, we stopped talking with each other."

The point is, we the people, a majority, have never subscribed to what is going on now in the executive branch, and we have never not wanted legislators to make measurable progress on issues that affect us and our fellow world citizens--in each legislative session!

As my representative I expect you to take off your partisan hat and disengage with any financial or other strings that you may consider your duty to pay homage to. I expect you to support and initiate sane, considered, reasonable, well researched, unbiased political action, policies, and laws that are in the interests of the United States, its citizens, and the world. Not only that. 

Lead don't follow. You are there for us, a majority against what we see now and have seen over the last eight plus years in the legislative branch. And when we are not there with you for any reason, we authorize you to use your best judgment to act on our behalf. I don't much care about your religion or preferences or gender or whatever. I want a representative who represents, and when I am not able to be there to advise and consult with, I want him or her to do what is right.

Things are going wrong in Washington and throughout this country. Make sure, in fact have some means available via your web site, to assess where the majority of your constituency wants to go, not just loud minority voices that are easy to hear and therefore targets for remarks on what democracy is like.

Not finally but important to point out before we both move on, life is not either-or as you present the situation you face. It is always either-or-and. There is a third alternative, always. Don't categorize us in one of two camps without considering the more than half of your population who are indeed upset to see any point in my above list of abuses persist any longer. Your constituency is diverse but comprehendible. We also understand what malfeasance looks like. Call it what it is, and more if that rhetoric will serve the highest good for most of us.

Thank you for your consideration of my remarks. 

JK Mactavish