
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Handedness left, handedness right

Congressman McClintock,

To take just one of your assertions and give you--in civil fashion--my thoughts in the form of suggestions, some I have already addressed in my last messages, I must urge you to consider your own words. I am referring specifically to your recent post of an address you gave (

You said: "We have seen the radical left on full display across the nation, with its appalling incivility, its intolerance of other points of view, and its disrespect of our democratic process and constitutional institutions."

For the phrase "the radical left", substitute "the radical right". The assertion now sounds accurate.

There is an uncivil minority in our democracy. Leave them to their moaning and groaning. Recognize the majority or majorities, and work with them after trying to decode what the minorities are trying to tell you and taking that into all of your considerations.

Alternatively, substitute the phrase for this: "President Donald Trump".

His appalling incivility, intolerance, and disrespect of our democratic process and constitutional institutions are--Appalling. And your lack of courage and leadership to say the emperor has no clothes are again all too apparent and bordering on appalling.

I suggest again studious efforts to discern the truth of your assertions by doing every citizen's homework and marshaling all relevant facts and figures. Start with this agenda, ironically the one you have outlined, and answer these questions.

+ What evidence do you have to say that the majority of your constituency is dissatisfied with the Affordable Care Act, although at the same time willing to improve it?

+ What evidence do you have to say that the majority of your constituency supports the indiscriminate deportation of immigrants, without at the same time embracing through forward-looking legislation those already here and contributing to our economy and communities?

+ What evidence do you have to say that the "Keystone Pipeline alone will produce thousands of construction jobs, billions of dollars of private investment," without giving at the same time evidence that alternative energy innovations and this market are thriving at a faster pace than fossil fuels, in part because a majority of experts agree we need to do something about our environment?

Get to work. Work smarter and harder. Your constituency, the majority of them plus some of the dissatisfied minority, will support you. Get off the party hobby horse and dismiss the lobbyists or whatever minority you are speaking for. Be among the great we counted on during his time in office to do what was reasoned and right and in the interests of peace and survival.