
Friday, February 28, 2020

So interesting, disappointing . . . a waste of our time

So interesting . . . but the writing you* sent me has no attribution/source other than you got it from a relative. So, what to say. Well, here is two cents.

The writing states: "Bernie married his college sweetheart, Deborah Shilling, and spent his small inheritance on a summer home in Vermont on 85 acres.  The shack had a dirt floor and no electricity, maintaining his proletariat credibility, but not impressing his new bride.  He refused to get a steady job, so his wife didn’t stick around long, divorced after 18 months."

According to the usual online sources


whether they divorced 18 months or two years after marriage is unclear, tending toward the time being two years. Suspicions arise.

But no matter. Here is the real giveaway, except for the most obvious--see last sentences of the piece.

His choice of summer property was a cause for "un-impressing" his new bride, AND he didn't get a job--So she left. Seems like pure conjecture, unless it can be substantiated.

So judging for myself, interesting article/writing, but I wouldn't bet on anything being True until proven with documentation and the identity of who is writing this stuff, where published, date, etc.

As for the most commonly checked online sources, Bernie is all about his politics and political career, and how great, etc.

Sounds a little bit like Mayor Pete's Wikipedia profile, put up and maintained by him/his campaign, although avowed by them, "It's not so!" However the metadata for a recently uploaded, then deleted, photo of him, told the tale. Came from him or his campaign.

So who can you believe?

Today I vote for Edward Abbey. His piece on rednecks worth more than the political crap we are subjected to, so that we waste our time debating stuff like I have gotten into above. Our candidates are the best we have to offer? Give me a break. I vote for the likes of Edward Abbey.

Alternatively, your bringing this writing about Bernie to my attention has provided today's writing/research exercise, which I am very much thankful for.


PS The first three pages of a Google search on

"In all her years in congress Elizabeth Warren introduced 110 bills.  2 passed."

produced no reputable source for this article--all people, including at least one from China, posting and re-posting a decidedly suspect (opinionated) text from an unknown source.

PPS Oh, this is priceless; I didn't get it at first. "Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy. (It worked for B Hussein.)" A reference to our former president suggesting there was a cover-up, etc., about his biography, birthplace, etc. Opinion/conspiracy!

No . . .I have drawn my own CONCLUSION--the article on Bernie on the face of it is not credible.

PPPS Example of just one of the places where you can find this article (and waste(?) your time), an article purportedly a "contribution to public/civic discourse" circulating for probably for over a year by my best guesstimate.

* From a friend who sent me a copy of the contribution, which can be seen via the link just above.